Welcome to GreatSeal.com,
the website all about the extraordinary symbol
that represents the people of the United States of America.
Designed by some of the nation's most visionary Founders, the two sides of the Great Seal embody the essential guiding principles these farsighted patriots hoped we would always follow.
The actual Great Seal adopted by Congress on June 20, 1782 is a written document that precisely describes the imagery.
Since 1782, the U.S. Department of State has been sealing official documents using engraved dies based on this official description. The first die is shown here. (Note: the design is in reverse.) The government also has official illustrations of the Great Seal's two sides.
An illustration of a seal is known as a "realization" of its design description. For generations the Great Seal has inspired artists to create compelling realizations, graphic links to the people who championed our liberty.
18th-century and 21st-century realizations
The Great Seal's designers provided a brief explanation of its symbolism, however the more we know about its design process and meaning of its symbols and mottoes, the better we can understand why this emblem is as important today as ever before. It was and still is America's Vision Statement.
Explore GreatSeal.com
Get a brief Overview
See Preliminary Designs for the Great Seal:
Ideas suggested by three committees (1776-1782)
Examine the symbolic elements on the Seal:
Imagery from nature and history
Eagle side | Pyramid side
Learn the origin and meaning of the three Mottoes:
Little phrases with big repercussions