Reflections on E Pluribus Unum

Entropy and the Evolution of Empathy

by John D. MacArthur

Since eyes first opened on Earth they have been filled with starlight, and the brilliance of silent nights still makes us wonder what the world was like when the stars were young, and to debate which came first: the chicken or the idea of a chicken?

Was the biosphere consciously created, or did mere matter evolve immortal mind? Is consciousness the seed of our evolutionary tree, or its flower?

We ascended from the primordial gene pool of thoughtlessness on bones modeled out of clay – minerals of Earth.

The passion of primal seas pulses through our veins, while across cerebral synapses, molecular messengers mutter the same magic mantras that animate all Gaia's creatures.

Ancient strands of DNA are threads of wisdom that weave our cellular memory – manifesting as instinct and intuition, unfolding into thought and imagination.

Whether we were borne by Nature's law or engeneered by Intelligence, we are here. The question is: Where are we growing?

Within the unique shape of the human skull has evolved a bold biomass of unprecedented potential: a three-pound universe whose elusive extension, the mind, reaches out to understand all it surveys or imagines. Our amazing brain senses its environment, recalls the past, and dreams the future. It reasons and learns, animates and astounds us – ever seeking to comprehend itself and its place in the universe.

We strive for the union that knowledge brings. Our creative quest to understand is the evolutionary driving force to which we respond.

Obey Entropy – It's the Law
The theory of evolution is more accurately the law of entropy, the ancient rule of energy exchange. Entropy is the cosmic conductor that orchestrates the flow of energy throughout space and time – scattering and distributing, yet never hoarding it for long.

Entropy compels life to seek out and occupy every possible nook and cranny. It urges us to gaze in all directions, to extend our horizons. Entropy demands we expand our consciousness, and evolution obeys. Brains grow, and minds flower with surprising seeds that germinate into new paths for energy to explore.

Entropy expressed through evolution
is the Great Diversifier:
Out of One, Many

Experience Empathy – It's the Future
In humanity's epic journey from preying to praying, empathy is evolution's bright flower. Empathy allows us to see ourselves in other life forms – to feel, to understand matters beyond the borders of self.

Empathy is walking a mile in another person's shoes (sitting a day on their couch). Empathy recognizes differences, anticipates reactions, tempers impulses. It urges us to do no harm to our fellow creatures.

Empathy expressed through love
is the Great Unifier:
Out of Many, One

Originally published by the
Franklin Institute Science Museum.
Photographs by the author.